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Touched 12-27-2008 10:22 AM

Release: Invisibility
Long story short this bug has been around FOREVER and I noticed today that a bunch of leechers are telling people how to do it, so I figured why not let the good people of Ezud have some fun before it is fixed.

1) Find a POH with a scry option *Somewhere in a portal room, the center piece*
2) Scry to your desired location.
3) Move your camera so that there is a person in the BOTTOM RIGHT hand corner of your screen.
4) Right click the person then click "Follow" and QUICKLY click on the clan options or settings, im not sure which, but whichever brings up but big interface where you cannot see.
5) If done correctly then you will now be moving to follow your person and your screen will have the clan chat large interface along with the purple glowing stuff you get from scrying.
6) Your Victim will no longer be able to see you, since the game believes you are scrying, talk to them and they will beleive that you are a ghost since text comes out of nowhere.

Optional Fun:
Follow a friend and go into large places such as Varrock, Falador, Castle wars lobby and talk, people will be astounded.


1)Myself for posting and finding it on my own *I AM NOT FUCKING SAYING THAT I FOUND IT FIRST*

2) Whoever found it first.

3) Noobs in world 31 that inspired me to release this.


Arr0wC 12-27-2008 11:00 AM

this doesnt work no more i did this 2 weeks ago it was leaked on utube months ago....

Svew 12-27-2008 12:05 PM

when u talk text doesnt appear and this is pretty well known...

Csg999 12-27-2008 12:23 PM

yeah this will be fixed in a matter of days from now if not already

Bone horror4 12-27-2008 05:45 PM

got fixed didnt it?

Steve 12-27-2008 06:56 PM

Finally someone tells us lol, I've been trying to figure it out for ages!

I'll have some fun before it's fixed that's for sure!

Dragon 12-28-2008 12:38 AM

It's gonna be patched by morning

Teh god 12-28-2008 02:43 AM

I belive it's been patched :(, Thank's for sharing thou!

Iced Liquid 12-29-2008 03:53 PM

Could this be used in PvP, if it wasn't patched?

Vista 12-30-2008 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Iced Liquid (Post 39873)
Could this be used in PvP, if it wasn't patched?

No, use commen sence.
If you did do it in PvP - when you got attacked/attacked someone it would drop your interface and you would be visible again.

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