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Lust 11-10-2008 07:13 PM

Safely be a Pyro
Okay, so it is inevitable that many of the people here are pyros, and I'm fine with that, but some of you just go too far.

I'm posting this guide because I know people will do this whether people tell them to or not.

Starters: There are three types of starters, matches, lighters, and the extended lighters. If you are going to be a pyro, I recommend the extended lighters.

Flamethrowers: Many objects can create flamethrowers, but not all are safe. There are two types of flamethrowers, aerosol and another kind. Aerosol are the safe to use, as the other kind can blow up easily. The other kind will not burn if it is not lit!(As in the lighter being lit there) Aerosol cans can be burned after they are lit until the cap is released. When done using a flamethrower, release the cap and shake the can immediately. This is done to stop the can from exploding.
Protip: Wear a facemask as aerosol cans are carcinogens(cancer causing substances).

Things to burn: You can burn a bunch of things, read what not to burn though.
Things not to burn: people's house, oil/gas, pine straw(in small amounts MAYBE), mushrooms(they get into the air and you can accidentally breathe it in)

Where to burn: NOT IN YOUR HOUSE!! I wouldn't recommend in your neighborhood either, but in some type of wood/forest environment.

What to wear: Black Flame retardant clothes, work gloves, face mask, goggles.

What else is needed? Probably a gallon of water incase you start something big and you need to put it out.

Final Notes: Don't leave a fire burning, put it out. The only exception to this is if someone finds you/sees you, then you should run like hell! In this case, I have a gymbag with a change of clothes hidden in the forest where I burn.

Don't get caught, you can face felony charges for doing anything remotely LIKE burning and they can pile 3 or 4, like attempting to leave the scene. Make sure you don't get fingerprints on anything, and alcohol swab all your materials before you go.

Now that you've read this thread, you can be a pyro, like this guy!
That's Andrew Gower.

Enemy 11-10-2008 08:36 PM

Very nice guide, except for one part.


Originally Posted by Lol5916 (Post 28239)
Where to burn: NOT IN YOUR HOUSE!! I wouldn't recommend in your neighborhood either, but in some type of wood/forest environment.

I think Smokey the Bear once had a catchy phrase about that. >.>


Lust 11-10-2008 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Enemy (Post 28263)
Very nice guide, except for one part.

I think Smokey the Bear once had a catchy phrase about that. >.>


Yes, but you don't want to burn in the open where you could get caught either lol. I personally do it near a creek lol.

Siyico1 11-11-2008 01:06 AM

Lmfao i dont care. Im a bit of a phyco xD...

Nice guide though <3

craked5 11-11-2008 12:44 PM

wow lol strange guide but pretty cool :)

Lust 11-11-2008 02:25 PM

I'm probably going to be making other guides like this, Stealing/Shoplifting, Sneaking out, Having fun on a boring night, BUT NOTHING WITH DRUGS lol.

Flip 11-11-2008 03:08 PM

where's the fun in that O.o.

LinkMaster03 11-15-2008 05:43 PM

So for a flamethrower, you spray, and right when you are done, you release pressure from the cap to stop the spray, and shake the can? Interesting guide, +rep.

EskimoANM 11-15-2008 05:47 PM

Pretty interesting guide, it looks like fun, but i'd probably never try it because as you said, you could face felony charges. :S

Tranquility 11-16-2008 04:58 PM

He is right on most of this. You could use almost any type of axe spray for a flamethrower to. Also hairspray.
Another cool thing is lighting your hand on fire.
To do so spray something on your hand such as hairspray extremely flammible. Then put a lighter to your hand. If you wait longer then 4 seconds you'll burn your hand so pat it out quick. But other then some things you missed nice guide. +Rep

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