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Roy 03-14-2009 12:50 PM

Mod ash interview

look for mod ash:

What made you join Jagex?:
Some guy in a bar, I think he said his name was Andrew Gower, kept on talking about something called RuneScape. This was around 2001/2. His mates told me it was a game where people clicked on rocks all day. I figured I gotta get me some of that, so I started playing, and in 2004, when I was about to graduate from Uni, I applied for a job. I was a forum mod at the time, which may have helped in the interview.

What is your occupation at Jagex?:
Content developer, all-night bugfixer, stand-in for Mod Nexus when he's on holiday.

Which famous person/character do you look most like?:
Harry Potter if he got a fair bit older and stopped doing exercise.

Which famous person/character would you most like to look like?:
Harry Potter if he DIDN'T get a fair bit older and stop doing exercise.

What is your favourite cookie flavour?:
Never mind making cookies, I just like eating the dough.

What is your most interesting hobby?:
I play violin in a local orchestra.

What is your favourite meal (starter, main course and dessert)?:
Prawns with salad, then a great big cheesy burger with bacon and fries, then chocolate ice cream.

Most proud of?:
The Clan Wars Update.

Regret the most?:
Not being able to release Clan Wars like that in the first place.

Pancakes or waffles?:
Pancakes. With lemon and sugar.

Do you have any nicknames?:
Some of the QA team used to call me The Machine.

What was your favourite subject in school?:

What is your favourite colour?:
Dark green.

If you could change your name, what would it be and why?:
Nah, I'm happy with it as it is.

When was the last time you had pasta for dinner?:
Can't remember. Not in the last couple of weeks, anyway. I mostly cook rice.

What is the most expensive thing that you've ever bought?:
My house.

What is the most expensive thing that you've ever broken?:

What is the funniest thing that you've ever seen?:
We had this bug - thankfully fixed before it got released - where if you wore a Santa hat your face would peer out from between your legs instead of being on your neck. I'm afraid I don't have a screenie to post.

If you had to choose between keeping your first name or keeping your last name, which would you choose?:
First name.

Pizza. Over-rated or nom nom nom?:

DeadOwnage 03-14-2009 12:53 PM

Umm nice its pretty funny how he answered ?s

lol @ harry potter

Envy 03-14-2009 01:20 PM

What a fat ass.

Vista 03-14-2009 01:50 PM

Nice answers.

mabnoob 04-19-2009 07:19 PM

Pancakes... waffles are ftw..

tehnut 05-08-2011 04:33 PM

rofl'd then rofl'd sum moar

rambo 05-11-2011 08:30 PM


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