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Envy 09-30-2008 10:37 AM

Why I haven't banned Dorito.
Before you guys freak out and flame me hear me out.

When Jared scammed Mezala out of 3m or 5m you guys allowed me to pay Mezala back in the name of Jared and you guys still trust and respect Jared highly with your accounts and information.

When SaTaX and FBI tried sabotaging eachother you guys praised them and allowed them to roam about doing as they pleased.

When Sayank was banned for scamming over 20m from you guys you let him roam about simply because he posted a fake dupe glitch and posted that Tips thing in Bug Abuse Help.

SaTaX faked the pictures of the ad in Brussels and you guys let him roam about freely and you guys still love him!

Now when Dorito informs me before anyone as soon as SataX sends him the 5 minute program to him I knew something was going to happen. SaTaX is already known to try and sabotage others and then just leave trying to make him look like a hero. Dorito told me as soon as he recieved the program that there were FALSE positives but the program wasn't working correctly for him. I told him to talk to other programmers and ask them about and so he did. They told him that the php script he asked for is fairly easy to make and takes about 15 seconds to make. SaTaX sent him a .exe file and Dorito was worried hence he asked for the $5 back and SaTaX refused.

I understand that it's not right since there was a small fee of $5 for time spent making it and I know it's the principle and everything but it's $5 JUST $5. I offered to pay SaTaX the $5 and a stranger to him also offered to pay him the $5.

You guys trash Dorito's reputation when he isn't here and he doesn't say shit about you guys. In fact he still goes out and tries to plan ahead for things that pay you guys. Sitting in the Staff Section are his contests planned out for you guys where he pays you RSGP and Money via PayPal for doing silly contests like guessing a number and even entering a small Lotto for Ezud. You guys trash his reputation and accuse him of things that I haven't seen fully seen proven. I can not ban him by word of mouth situations.

You guys think i'm protecting him and am all for him but understand that when #21 modded him I was 100% against it and was after him like many of you are now. But that was a mistake. I soon learned that it wasn't right and so I kept an open mind and saw how he handled certain situations and handled certain things around the site. I learned that he's actually a good person and is trying to keep Ezud going.

Now I ask you, why ban him over $5? "It's the principle!" Bullshit where was the principle when SaTaX lied about a $730 payment for an ad in Belgium, where was the principle when Jared scammed Mezala out of 3-5m, where was the principle when SaTaX and FBI sabotaged eachother, where was the principle when Chester sabotaged ElixiR, where was the principle when Sayank scammed and you guys allowed him to come back? Where was the principle then?

SaTaX 09-30-2008 10:39 AM

Yeah afcourse. Just take down my reputation , Some things are right, but some is just fail. Fine, it looks clear for me.
I didn't try to sabotate someone.

Sex 09-30-2008 10:40 AM

Nice job keeping this people in order envy! All this fighting over the 5$ and "the principle" HAS to stop.

Envy 09-30-2008 10:41 AM

SaTaX the threads are still somewhere on the forum where you say FBI keylogged everyone and vice versa.

SaTaX 09-30-2008 10:42 AM

Lol, I didn't say FBI keylogged? It was somthing else.
Also, FBI & me are friends again )-.-

Envy 09-30-2008 10:47 AM

But doesn't pardon the sabotaging you guys did now does it? It's the principle that counts.

Bizcrack 09-30-2008 10:51 AM

Oh my gawd..Dorito gave me 2 warnings and a infraction for flaming in shoutbox.
I only said "I hope i never need to see that crown beside that shit name again"
And he damn infracts me..
As well they r gone now coz some one here understood they where notat the right place ..

SaTaX 09-30-2008 10:58 AM

This contains false information. You're wrong.
It's true that the advertisement was fake with photofunia, it was meant as Joke and a lot of people know it it's a joke , it's nothing has to do with lying.

I can fix it and stop bitching about it, but please edit the information because it's wrong. If you really like to want me to leave, then just f*cking ask. I'd like that way than some lies and hardcore versions about the truth o.o

Envy 09-30-2008 11:00 AM

I didn't see anyone seeing that they understood it was fake. You even made a post and everything saying that you were going to pay for other things too. It's not false information when it's true you had lied about the advertisement.

SaTaX 09-30-2008 11:03 AM

THAT advertisement , the big one was a joke.
Actually, I had plans (still can do them) for a big advertisement to help the PageRank and for more members. This was no lie.

I do not sabotate others. If you call the story with FBI sabotation, still, then ur right, but I see nog other sabotation.

I also don't want $5 from you. Because it's just unfair, that's what I call it.

I can fix it and I will stop bitching about it, but please edit the information some parts are wrong and not true.

I want to fix it and even with Dorito.

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