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Phinal 03-03-2011 08:17 PM

Dear Ezud members
Dear Ezud members, of all forms,

Shut the fuck up. You are not deeper than the average human being. You do not have the god-given right to whine about a past you completely made up. Your dad did not rape you while your brothers beat off into a bucket and poured it onto a salad(besides envy). Your poetry sucks, and putting it to sub-par guitar rhythm doesn't make it any better. Your ideas are stupid. Refusing to vote doesn't mean you're taking a stand against a corrupt democratic system, it means you're fucking CAUSING a corrupt democratic system by not voicing your opinion through a vote, you fucking moron. And stop bitching whenever someone causes a little wave in your video games. Just because your party wiped in WoW doesn't mean you get to be an asshole, it means that your avatar's HP meter says "0" and that's the bloody end of it. Your stories are horrible and cliche, and your fanfictions need far, FAR less sex with Legolas/Inuyasha/Luke Skywalker/Leon Kennedy. Stop whining about how "LOL THERE IS NO GOD" and "LOL RELIJUN IS EVILLLLLLL," because you know precisely dick about what you're talking about. Religion is not evil. The people that strap bombs to their chests and blow up a city block are evil. I fail to see how screaming "Allah be praised" right before you push the button makes it God's fault. Also, you do not have an 11 inch PENIS, and you have never had sex, and most certainly not with four women, one of whom is not your sister. Now please, shut the fuck up and go back to your computers to fap to animal horse porn.

Dayum 03-03-2011 08:18 PM

no one cares

Phinal 03-03-2011 08:20 PM

123456789 123456789 123456789

EleXtroSeXual 03-03-2011 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Phinal (Post 80486)
Dear Ezud members, of all forms,

Shut the fuck up. You are not deeper than the average human being. You do not have the god-given right to whine about a past you completely made up. Your dad did not rape you while your brothers beat off into a bucket and poured it onto a salad(besides envy). Your poetry sucks, and putting it to sub-par guitar rhythm doesn't make it any better. Your ideas are stupid. Refusing to vote doesn't mean you're taking a stand against a corrupt democratic system, it means you're fucking CAUSING a corrupt democratic system by not voicing your opinion through a vote, you fucking moron. And stop bitching whenever someone causes a little wave in your video games. Just because your party wiped in WoW doesn't mean you get to be an asshole, it means that your avatar's HP meter says "0" and that's the bloody end of it. Your stories are horrible and cliche, and your fanfictions need far, FAR less sex with Legolas/Inuyasha/Luke Skywalker/Leon Kennedy. Stop whining about how "LOL THERE IS NO GOD" and "LOL RELIJUN IS EVILLLLLLL," because you know precisely dick about what you're talking about. Religion is not evil. The people that strap bombs to their chests and blow up a city block are evil. I fail to see how screaming "Allah be praised" right before you push the button makes it God's fault. Also, you do not have an 11 inch PENIS, and you have never had sex, and most certainly not with four women, one of whom is not your sister. Now please, shut the fuck up and go back to your computers to fap to animal horse porn.



Shift 03-03-2011 08:27 PM



Phinal 03-03-2011 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by EleXtroSeXual (Post 80489)


go elsewhere you troll. I've reported you to the staff for trolling, don't take it personal, i dont write the rules, i just follow them

Envy 03-03-2011 08:34 PM

Phinal is a fail troll.

Nathan 03-03-2011 08:45 PM

aww someone didn't get his favourite cereal today huh.


Technicality 03-03-2011 09:06 PM

Gratz on wasting your time

Dayum 03-04-2011 04:47 AM

not really sure why every time you try to argue with me you bring up you talking to girls on omegle.

omfg she showed you her bra... woo..

i'd have more respect for you if you said something along the lines of "i smash like over 9000 bitches at my school errday"


busy anally ravaging you, to get a job to pay for some

whats with the random comma?

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