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Fatality 05-16-2009 08:55 PM

Here are some simple tips on improving your gaming, while playing halo.

#1- If you having aiming problems bump up your look sensitivity about 2 numbers (Ex if its 4 bump it up to 6) then play a few customs or social games with friends. By the time you are done you should now be used to your old sensitivity.

#2- If you are having problems getting perfect four shots, you may be trying to hard to get head shots. To pull off a perfect four shot you could also shoot 3 body shots and one head shot, opposed to the 4 head shots that people go with, with BR(Battle Rifle)

#3- If you are getting a bunch of deaths you clearly don't know the map well enough or you rush too much. The best way to fix this problem is to get to know the map and learn to anticipate where people are moving. Also when you are losing learn to stay back and protect your base. The enemy will have to come to your side eventually :P.

These are a few little tips that make a HUGE difference in your gameplay, if executed right.

dasimers 05-16-2009 09:24 PM

and dont spam nades when in open combat. leads to many deaths.

Fuzzman 05-16-2009 09:29 PM

Lol, but tons of kill from graves *points to thousands of medals* lol im a noob at my neighbors house :)

Fatality 05-16-2009 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by dasimers (Post 59840)
and dont spam nades when in open combat. leads to many deaths.

Sometimes chucking nades isn't a bad idea... you just need to know when it is and isn't the right time lol.

dasimers 05-16-2009 09:36 PM

ok your on guardian heading top mid you see two guys and you run in wasting your oppurtunity two get to easy shots on a nade that has a chance of missing leaving you in the open? thats my point lol

Stephen 05-18-2009 01:04 PM

Some other useful tips are:

1. As pointed out above, know your nades (When and when not to use them.)
Save your grenades until you know you can use them effectively. for example, You spawn Gold 1 on guardian in a 1v1. Don't throw a nade into S2/S3 like most people do, think about it...There's two people on the map, you and your opponent. he could be anywhere, and nading will give out your position, surpirse is always a good tactic.

Prime example of when to use a nade:
Your S2 on Guardian, and the kid is rushing you from Elbow. You br battle, you missed a few shots so you run S3, waiting for your shields to try again, and he chases you. As you go S2, turn around and nade into the spot you were just at, 9.9/10 times the person will have ran there, and is now 1 shot/dead depending on if you used a frag or sticky.

2. Never play below 3 sensitivity, never higher than 6.

Reasons: Anything below 3, all the other person has to do is strafe and you're fucked. Trust me I used to play on 1-2 varying, and everytime someone strafed (Succesfully) I got out BRed. Reason being you can't really lead your shots because you can't keep up with their strafe. Any higher than 6 is bad as well, think about this...You are in a Br battle with an opponent. You're playing 7, he's on 4. His aiming is slower than yours, and therefore gives him the advantage in leading shots, etc. You're aiming is far mroe sensitive than his, sure, you may be used to it, but fact is he can focus less on controlling his movement and mroe on 4 shotting you.

3. If you find yourself in a fair fight, you suck.
Main thing to remember is, in Halo, there are no "dirty tricks" only strats. Nade into blue room before you go in, becvause since you did, he is 1 shot, or atleast weaker, thus giving you the advantage.

4. Don't ever try to win a BR battle with lowered shields.
You're in Greenbox on Pit, and your opponent nades in. It gets you 1 shot but you get your shields up some before he comes in. You're sheilds are 3/4 full, his are max. He wins. Don't assume he will miss a shot, which elads me to the alst point.

5. Always assume your opponent is amazing.
If you think your opponent is absolutely garbage, you don't try as hard (if you try at all) and most of the time, they aren't as garbage as you thought. If you always assume they are awesome and rape kids constantly, then you try to do well and usually do.

Just consider these when playing, and most importantly, THINK when you play, Halo is mroe strategy and thinking then it is skill.

Dramatix. 05-19-2009 11:52 AM

The two main tips I'd give would be:

Strafe, and do it well.

Play smart. The difference between the top Xbox Live Warriors and your run of the mill players is that the majority of the time I will know what you're doing. I know where you'll go, where you'll run to. If I have time to watch people a bit i'll know what they'll do 90% of the time. This leads to easy nade kills and much more.

ElixiR 05-19-2009 03:34 PM

Ahhh Stephen your grammatical mistakes make me lol. But these tips are right, play smart, strafe, learn jumps, PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR AMMO, watch your radar, call out, TEAM BR, have a positive attitude, and last but not least if you are doing bad, don't try take be the slayer or objective it is MORE THAN FINE to play support. Everyone has bad games and support is just as important.

Stephen 05-20-2009 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by ElixiR (Post 60396)
Ahhh Stephen your grammatical mistakes make me lol. But these tips are right, play smart, strafe, learn jumps, PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR AMMO, watch your radar, call out, TEAM BR, have a positive attitude, and last but not least if you are doing bad, don't try take be the slayer or objective it is MORE THAN FINE to play support. Everyone has bad games and support is just as important.

Meh, I wasn't paying attention.


Originally Posted by ElixiR (Post 60396)
don't try take be the slayer or objective it is MORE THAN FINE to play support.

I had to :p

Fuzzman 05-20-2009 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by ElixiR (Post 60396)
Ahhh Stephen your grammatical mistakes make me lol. But these tips are right, play smart, strafe, learn jumps, PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR AMMO, watch your radar, call out, TEAM BR, have a positive attitude, and last but not least if you are doing bad, don't try take be the slayer or objective it is MORE THAN FINE to play support. Everyone has bad games and support is just as important.

All my games are bad games. :P

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