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Lust 02-19-2009 06:50 AM

Guys, I need to tell someone about this so I came here. I can not explain everything as detailed as it is in my mind, because I'm not good at doing that.
School is ruining my life, the stress of waking up early, going to bed late, with the occasional sleepless nights. I have so much work to do, and so little interest in doing it. I mean I'm not dumb, but the work is boring, and I'm not learning at all from it. It all started around Christmas, with the death of my grandfather. My family moved into my grandmother's(or my dad and my house since we all have the same name) house, but fortunately we didn't have to switch schools or anything. My bus comes a whole 20 minutes(6:30) earlier, and that really adds up, as I never really took the bus in the first place. The bus doesn't get me home until 4:30 which is like two hours after school ends. I can't drive, walk, anything besides ride the bus. I haven't done any exercise or anything related to working out since about December(no I haven't got completely fat yet, but I have put on like 15 lbs). School is just evil for me, my parents won't do anything about it either. I've missed about 15 days out of the 2 months I've been back in school. Private schools here are upwards of $15,000 a year, so that's out of the question. My parents will not allow me to be home schooled, either. I've been seeing a psychiatrist, and that hasn't been helping much at all. I don't know what to do anymore, and being only fifteen, it's not like I can really do a lot. So I ask you, how do you handle all of this stress caused from life?[/hide]
Hid because I don't want people to know my situation in life.

Csg999 02-19-2009 12:41 PM

Ok my way

I walk to school (u cant :( )
When i get home, i do homework for like an hour no computer or w/e until homework is done <--- good rule
If u get to school early, do some homework

Use these and good luck

Tranquility 02-19-2009 01:20 PM

Hmmm, a little bit of a problem. I often find school way to easy for me, and I am not challenged. One thing I am telling you right now is DO NOT DROP OUT. It will be the worst mistake of your life. Here's some ways to pass the time. Go to bed earlier, getting a good night sleep reduces a lot of stress. Next, when on the bus, do your homework. Depending on what it is it will make time pass. Third, motovation was a problem for me too. Just think that if you get out of school now or don't try you most likely will do nothing with your life. Another perseption would be to listen to music on the bus and/or take a nap. :)

letzgokill 02-19-2009 03:11 PM

This might sound strange, but you should use every possible time that you have to finish hw early. For example, studying or doing some easy class hw during lunch, and during breaks if you have any. And I understand your bus ride situation. Just bring a textbook and read whatever you need, history, english, etc... I do this myself and I finish almost all easy hw by the time I get home, which is around 30-45 min less of work.

Brian 02-19-2009 06:20 PM

Sounds like me :)
Only The complete opposite

Crayon Boy 02-20-2009 09:33 AM

lol. Nothing to complain about.

My chool isn't even in my city.I wake up at 6 am and get home at about 6 or 7pm. It takes 2 hrs to get to school and 2 more to get home. I take a bus to the railway station and go by train to school from there. And i've been going thru that for 9 years.
+i work out a lot, and i'm home at 9 or 10pm if i have training to do.

So srsly, what r u fucking complaining about?

Tim0Suprem0 02-20-2009 12:19 PM

Can I ask what you do enjoy? Since you seem to obviously not enjoy the subjects you take in school.

I have a friend, who took the "traditional school institutions failed me" approach and just fucked around all through high school, and then got amazing standardized test scores because he's really smart. He stopped stressing about school and started learning about things he wanted to learn about. He then got full rides to lots of little hippy colleges throughout the U.S (because he had great SAT and ACT scores). The only downside is that if you do this, you limit yourself to only going to "alternative" schools like Evergreen or something, although McGill in Canada is a really good school and I know lots of smart stoners who went there.

That's one "solution", but I don't know all the details of your situation.

To be honest, rereading what you wrote, it kinda sounds like you're just straight up depressed. I don't know how close you were with your grandpa, but that combined with the slight weight gain and apathy thing seems to fit the general description of depression. Not like, rocking yourself to sleep crying depressed, but more the disinterest towards stuff in your life depression. I have had bouts of depression throughout my life, and I realized reading what you wrote that I have often felt like that. Perhaps you just have weird chemical levels in your brain.

Lust 02-20-2009 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mezala (Post 47408)
u live in detroit ye? wat school u go 2? pm me if u dnt wanna say

I don't live in Detroit, I actually live in Georgia.


Originally Posted by Tim0Suprem0 (Post 47439)
Can I ask what you do enjoy? Since you seem to obviously not enjoy the subjects you take in school.

I enjoy math and science. I took the SAT in 7th grade, scored nearly perfect on the math, finished overall with the highest grade of the seventh graders, a modest 1750/2400. I took the PSAT earlier this year, and scored perfect on the math, and did better than 99% of Juniors(I'm a freshman). I like learning, really, it just seems like they're not teaching it the way I learn(eidographic memory), or I'm just not learning anything at all.

Tim0Suprem0 02-22-2009 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Lol5916 (Post 47440)
I enjoy math and science. I took the SAT in 7th grade, scored nearly perfect on the math, finished overall with the highest grade of the seventh graders, a modest 1750/2400. I took the PSAT earlier this year, and scored perfect on the math, and did better than 99% of Juniors(I'm a freshman). I like learning, really, it just seems like they're not teaching it the way I learn(eidographic memory), or I'm just not learning anything at all.

Hmm, well I don't really know what to tell you other than do what you like to do. Eidographic is like strictly visual right? Do you know ways that you do learn well (flash cards! haha)? Or is it more that you know that you are obviously not learning anything from the way things are being taught, but you don't necessarily know a better method yourself? Because if you know how you learn, then I'd say it's kind of in your hands to arrange the information you get at school in ways you will retain it. Which is retarded because then what is the point of school if you have to do basically what a teacher is paid to do.

Ok so yeah, you're super smart and the school you go to probably doesn't cater to the abilities you have. I think if you wanted, you could probably just fuck around and do only stuff you want. This has two main benefits: 1) You only do the stuff you like. 2) I don't know how much your parents care, but if they get pissed that you aren't doing well then it kind of calls to their attention the fact that something isn't working right for you.

You're situation kind of sucks, sorry :(. Hooray for institutionalized learning.

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