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Old 06-24-2008, 07:20 PM
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Jared Jared is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Florida
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Jared is a glorious beacon of lightJared is a glorious beacon of lightJared is a glorious beacon of lightJared is a glorious beacon of lightJared is a glorious beacon of light

Mine came from my name

But since thats no fun ill give you my history of all my names:

I started runescape as a normal player, I didn't dare do anything to get myself in trouble, and I always dreamed of becoming a player moderator. I was a goodygoody, and I always strived my hardest to become the best.

I had always heard of the tainted-ones, but I mostly feared them from the stories I had heard, little did I know id come to be one of them and take place as a high ranking officer over my time on the game now known as "Ruined Scape". I took my career away from any possible bugs and started woodcutting.

Then one day I saw a kid running around as an imp, I had no experience at bug abusing at this point, so I noobishly followed, I asked if he could teach me, and he replied plain and simply "no". I got frustrated and bumbarded him with questions. He finally told me to go to "w\/\/w.Tainted-ones.c()/\/\". So I went, and was horified by how the staff treated the noobs, and I knew that I'd need to find a bug, to fit in, so i spent the next month finding the best Player Owned House (POH) bugs I could.

Finally after a month of lurking I went and went to the forum and signed up with the name:
Purepkerz -It was to display my role in the runescape world at the time, as a "PurePker". Althought shortly after I was going to get my reputation as the Player Owned House Master (next to Da Master of course:))

I soon grew weary of that name, as I had moved away from PurePking, and moved onto skilling/leveling

Then as all good things must die (), t.o. was regretfully shut down, i still had my msn, and my legacy as purepkerz the master player owned house bug abuser still lived on.

About a month and a half later, envy and me were highly interested in rsunlocked. I personally have always like the term "Unlocked" And honestly wanted a new start from an old legacy.

So I made my way up the ladder with envy, and I soon became friends with people in high places. I didn't let this get to my head, because I had seen what happend to people who let shit get to their heads, I stood by AofC at the time of the great war of the admins. And since then my career honestly took off, the unnoficial rsu bugging crew went and searched for a new transfer method, and I was promoted to middle man. I then persued my career as a middle man for about a month, until I was put up for nomination for distinguished member, at the time I truly did not want to receive it, because there were so many others, but in the end, I did end up getting it, and became the 3rd and last blue mm at rsu. I felt that I wanted yet another clean start, and I requested to get a name change to "Jared" as that is my real name, and I figured that since AofC was going to be forced out of power (I knew a half of a month ahead of time) That I wouldnt want to be living in the past.

As many of you know, the era of rsu, wasnt a VERY long one, as time goes, problems arise, and the admins were forced to leave, and AofC was forced out of power leaving Impulse to ruin the site.

Then I was sort of a drifter, going to various forums lurking in the shadows afraid to say what was on my mind, and how I felt that yet again my "Home" was taken away from me.

I had a slow period in my life at that point, my grades rose, I hung out with my friends more often than I usually would, but as sad as this following sentence sounds, its true: I literally felt as if something was missing, a part of my life I had left behind somehow, and everytime I'd walk past my black computer screen, id feel slightly saddened that, that part of me was gone.. Then, I did my weekly two week check on my friends with msn, not seeing the point, when I see envy on, (at this point we had almost lost contact with each other), and we had a long talk, and as we finished up, I was in a seriously good mood. I was looking around and saw Cunt Punt (CP for short) on, and in his "message" was a url, It turned out to be a forum. At first I was almost about to leave the computer and never going to turn it on again, but I noticed some flaming in the chat box, IT WAS MACK AND CUNT PUNT! I joined up, and ever since, my legacy has continued to grow, I became friends with the admin, quickly became prospect, and got alot of my old friends to join up (such as envy, jeast, and several several others)

And that my friends is my story of online communitys, personal battles, and my current, and past usernames

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