Thread: Global Warming.
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Old 01-04-2009, 02:44 PM
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Originally Posted by #21 View Post
Ok so it snowed in one area. You realize California is nothing to the world as a whole. It is a speck. Try going up to the poles where we are running out of glaciers. Then you'll reconsider. Who cares how much snow we get. It's a small fraction of how much fresh water is in the glaciers which makes up 80%+ of our fresh water. Without it, the population will not be sustained = death.

Correct me if I am wrong...

Compared to land, water reflects a lot of incoming sunlight (heat). as the ice melts (at the utterly un-alarming rate at which it is), land is submerged. this means more light will be reflected, which will, in turn, reduce the global temperature.

Plus, think about this: human beings are destroying the planet. it's about time they are all wiped out, even though it's not going to happen for many, many thousands of years (not taking into consideration the ever-more-likely event of humankind obliterating itself by means of global war)
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