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Old 09-15-2008, 03:12 PM
Silver Commander Silver Commander is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 56
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Silver Commander is on a distinguished road

Seriously, it's pretty darn important to use decent grammar on the internet. It really seperates the fairly intelligent and likable from the noobish duds who like to spam forums (sorry if this is you.) I always try to use decent spelling and grammar, and while I might not get it perfect everytime, I think it's the effort that counts. The same goes for anyone - a few mistakes are fine, but in the long run, try to make it decent and you win my respect for first impression.

"Hey everyone! My name is Stephen and I like to play Halo 3. It’s a fun game and everyone I know plays it. Bungie is the company that made Halo 3, and they did a really good job! I really enjoy playing it, but sometimes there are stupid people that play it and their attitudes disgust me. But it’s alright, because I beat them at the game every time I play. Well, that’s it for me I will talk to you guys later."

There you go. I added some of my own bits to it, for variety, and because I think swear words are tacky and a show of poor intellience. Not to mention, words like "Own" arn't proper grammar to use either. I added a few other words in place of others to make the flow of the paragraph better too, however, I think it was choppy and fairly repetative. Don't go turning this in to your english teacher! =P
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