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Old 09-02-2009, 03:25 AM
Zenji Zenji is offline
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Default haxed

'Bless me Father, for I have sinned.
I have been with a loose girl'.

The priest asks, 'Is that you, little Joey Pagano ?'

'Yes, Father, it is.'

'And who was the girl you were with?'

'I can't tell you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation'.

"Well, Joey, I'm sure to find out her name sooner or later
so you may as well tell me now. Was it Tina Minetti?'

'I cannot say.'

'Was it Teresa Mazzarelli?'

'I'll never tell.'

'Was it Nina Capelli?'

'I'm sorry, but I cannot name her.'

'Was it Cathy Piriano?'
'My lips are sealed.'

'Was it Rosa DiAngelo, then?'

'Please, Father, I cannot tell you.'

The priest sighs in frustration.
'You're very tight lipped, and I admire that.
But you've sinned and have to atone.
You cannot be an altar boy now for 4 months..
Now you go and behave yourself.'

Joey walks back to his pew,
and his friend Franco slides over and whispers,
'What'd you get?'

'Four months vacation and five good leads..'

we are the mighty Bs
we play with hearts and knees
we never give up and never say die
the other team can try, but will only sigh
because we are the mighty Bs

Chorus (ned singing in high voice)
A kid got to confortable with alex's boot
he ended up with his voice half mute
Every game mysterious injuries occur
when carlos decides it's time to stir
we are the mighty Bs
we never kick it into the trees.

stanza 2
we came third in the division of winners
not a bunch of random beginners
a good effort all around
because i swear philip may have drowned
we are the mighty Bs
and zander always tells us to squeeze

V-Ray for Maya - The Countdown is over!

One of the most eagerly expected products in the 3D world is officially released to turn over a new leaf in the rendering processes.

V-Ray for Maya revolutionizes rendering times, stability and ease of use to achieve remarkable pipeline efficiency.

To all of you V-Ray users and fans,
Chaos Group team announced the official release of V-Ray for Maya. The comprehensive set of features provided by V-Ray for Maya includes true 3D Motion Blur, Sun & Sky procedural lighting system, Physical camera for matching life footage, Environment Fog, a set of Sub-Surface Scattering shaders and many others. V-Ray for Maya is supported on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora operating systems in their 32-bit and 64-bit versions (other distributions also work). V-Ray runs with Autodesk Maya 2008, 2009 and 2010 versions.

Aimed at improving quality and efficiency in the production processes of the VFX and Film industry, V-Ray for Maya now enables the rendering of larger scenes with greater complexity while at the same time artists can rely on a faster rendering stage without compromising on the quality side of their work.

“Having used V-Ray in production for many years, and having been involved in large Maya centric pipelines, it was great to finally put the two together. Now that V-Ray can work inside Maya in virtually the same way that it operates in 3ds Max, it allows for a more flexible pipeline that would allow for the same high quality output that you expect from V-Ray. Being centered on a solid V-Ray Standalone pipeline allows you to use V-Ray within Maya, and have your whole renderfarm operate outside of Maya. It also operates nicely within a Windows or Linux or Mac pipeline which allows for even greater flexibility regardless of the size of your project” says Christopher Nichols – VFX Supervisor.

“I evaluated V-Ray for Maya by running it through the pipeline and with an intense VFX schedule where we are sometimes required to render hundreds of thousands of frames. V-Ray had proven itself to be most reliable, we had little to no issues with it during the productions, and when we did have challenges Chaos Group's Development Team was more than willing to help us out, which made us feel very much a part of the whole process” explained Dmitry Vinnik, Technical Director and founder of Silhouette Images Inc.

V-Ray for Maya Advantages and Key Features:
Faithful to its ultimate vision for extraordinary speed and quality, Chaos Group empowers users to improve render times by taking advantage of the V-Ray for Maya licensing. Each V-Ray for Maya license allows the usage of up to 10 additional render nodes, running either in Maya batch mode or as standalone render servers through the V-Ray Standalone application. The Standalone application allows rendering to occur independently of Maya and is considered as an outstanding option to boost the speed for both standard and distributed rendering.

Robert Nederhorst, VFX Supervisor at Radium/ReelFX in Santa Monica, explained his experience with V-Ray for Maya "Working V-Ray as a fully adaptive system allows our VFX team to deal with every glossy calculation as an antialiasing issue which makes setup so much easier and render times actually faster! It's the ease of setup and simple methods to deal with common problems that are great for VFX. All of us in the industry have less and less time to work on things these days so being able to rapidly get to our vision is important. V-Ray absolutely helps in that."

“I personally love the simplicity and some of the key factors in V-Ray which sets it apart from other renderers in Maya:

1. DMC sampler;
2. Easy to use and very well developed GI system;
3. True 3D motion blur, which works with transparencies (a key to fast rendering with accurate results without major headaches and cheats);
4. Very simple and powerful baking system;
5. Powerful multipass architecture,”

added Dmitry Vinnik, from Silhouette Images Inc.

The beta version of V-Ray for Maya has been used in numerous productions and VFX studios, and the feedback received during the development stages enabled Chaos Group to create a product focused on real needs and challenges in everyday rendering operations.

Pricing and availability
The suggested retail price (SRP) of V-Ray for Maya is USD 999 or EUR 719 per license, depending on the region of purchase. Purchasing one V-Ray for Maya license gives a lot more than just a single rendering license. It allows the rendering in interactive Maya environment of 1 computer and another 10 computers running as render nodes. These render nodes can run in Maya batch mode or as standalone render servers through the V-Ray Standalone application, independently of Maya. These can also be used for the simultaneous rendering of a single frame across 10 computers through the Distributed Rendering mode. If the users require having more than 10 rendering nodes – additional licenses can be purchased for V-Ray Standalone which can be used as standalone or through the Maya batch mode. It does not get any more flexible than that, does it?

And remember! We license full computers, not CPUs! The more CPUs you have per computer, the better you utilize our single license!

V-Ray for Maya is distributed through electronic download only. A hardware lock is required for the licensing system and is provided upon purchase.

Additional V-Ray Standalone licenses are available for purchase with suggested end user price of USD299 / EUR249 per computer. Outrageous volume discounts are applicable for all V-Ray products. Order prices in US Dollars or Euro is applied depending on specific country of order placement. Please, contact our sales representative or distributor for pricing information at [email protected]

Trademarks and copyrights
V-Ray and the V-Ray logo are registered trademarks of Chaos Software Ltd. in Bulgaria and/or other countries. Autodesk and Maya are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows and Windows XP are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Apple, Mac and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.

Thank you all for being part of the V-Ray future!

To learn more about V-Ray for maya - click here.
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soz they're late. Hope u like 'em. They are also attached if you want to open them straight into a word doc. Cheers!

Town lives without bread as baker mysteriously vanishes

Last week the local baker of hamishville was allegedly abducted. This was concluded when he simply did not turn up to make his delicious assortment of bread on the 17th of July. Since, or for the next three consecutive days, he still hasn’t been sighted. A growing sense of foreboding is surmounting in the local area, as a result of this strange event that has contributed to an already large list of mysterious predicaments. While the local rangers are doing their best to work out what is going on, no substantial progress of any sort has been made so far.

Ranger captain left clueless after scouting group never returned

Nex Williams, captain of the ranger corps, was left absolutely clueless after his highly-skilled scouting group did not return from a relatively low danger expedition. “This just doesn’t happen” said Williams on the 23rd of July. “These men were seasoned; I just can’t contemplate what could have happened.” This, in conjunction with other very odd happenings of late have gradually lead to a foreboding, concerned and downright fearful atmosphere in the local community. It is not uncommon that people do not leave the protective confines of their home. A blacksmith from everton said “These events of late are just too fishy. Someone is behind this, there must be a culprit.” While numerous councils are pushing for an answer, these mysterious events still remain mysterious.

Old man claims he was attacked by supernatural beings

On the 1st of August, an old man from a small village named Hampshire claimed that he was attacked by supernatural beings. Belief in the members of the wider community is quite tangible, in light of the crazy events of late, while others who “still have their heads screwed on straight” account this so-called “attack” purely as mental health issues in the senior victim, according to Horace Dorset. Opinions can only express the current situation as no concrete evidence has been recovered favouring either side of the coin.

Town lives without bread as baker mysteriously vanishes

Last week the local baker of hamishville was allegedly abducted. This was concluded when he simply did not turn up to make his delicious assortment of bread on the 17th of July. Since, or for the next three consecutive days, he still hasn’t been sighted. A growing sense of foreboding is surmounting in the local area, as a result of this strange event that has contributed to an already large list of mysterious predicaments. While the local rangers are doing their best to work out what is going on, no substantial progress of any sort has been made so far.

Ranger captain left clueless after scouting group never returned

Nex Williams, captain of the ranger corps, was left absolutely clueless after his highly-skilled scouting group did not return from a relatively low danger expedition. “This just doesn’t happen” said Williams on the 23rd of July. “These men were seasoned; I just can’t contemplate what could have happened.” This, in conjunction with other very odd happenings of late have gradually lead to a foreboding, concerned and downright fearful atmosphere in the local community. It is not uncommon that people do not leave the protective confines of their home. A blacksmith from everton said “These events of late are just too fishy. Someone is behind this, there must be a culprit.” While numerous councils are pushing for an answer, these mysterious events still remain mysterious.

Old man claims he was attacked by supernatural beings
On the 1st of August, an old man from a small village named Hampshire claimed that he was attacked by supernatural beings. Belief in the members of the wider community is quite tangible, in light of the crazy events of late, while others who “still have their heads screwed on straight” account this so-called “attack” purely as mental health issues in the senior victim, according to Horace Dorset. Opinions can only express the current situation as no concrete evidence has been recovered favouring either side of the coin.
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Old 09-02-2009, 08:16 AM
Pork Pork is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Pork is on a distinguished road

You are extremely cool
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Old 09-02-2009, 09:13 AM
skillzrulez skillzrulez is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 36
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skillzrulez will become famous soon enough

pointless copypasta is pointless
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