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Ultralomaniac 01-13-2009 04:23 PM

Capital Punishment
Few states of the USA aprove of using capital punishment

Capital punishment is the same as lethal injection. if a crime commited is of great enough value, some states will allow the criminal to be killed off.

Now my questions for you are:

1. Do you believe capital punishment is morally just?

2. Do you think capital punishment should be altered to make it more effective?

3. Do you think capital punishment should be implimented more?

Brian 01-13-2009 04:57 PM

Honestly.... you made me wait..... 10 flippin minutes to send me this link! Egad! you narb! :)

Ultralomaniac 01-13-2009 04:58 PM

fricken. constructive debate plawks!

TheGopher 01-13-2009 05:06 PM

1. Do you believe capital punishment is morally just?
No. "Why do we kill people to show people that kill people that killing is wrong?" "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" Need more quotes?

2. Do you think capital punishment should be altered to make it more effective?
Yes, It should be removed completely. It has been proven that states that don't implement the death penalty have lower crime rates than states that do. Also in my honest opinion, I think that sitting in jail for your entire life is 1,000 times worse than dying. Death is just a relief. Boredom by sitting in jail for your entire life with no hopes of parole and just sitting there "rotting away" is suffocating. Why do so many inmates try to commit suicide? It's because jail is a far better punishment. I would take the death penalty over life in prison any day.

3. Do you think capital punishment should be implemented more?

By the questions you asked, I can safely infer that you support the death penalty. Sometimes you have to look at a situation from both sides to choose the best option. Most people who support the death penalty just look at it from the victim's point of view. Yes, if you are the victim, you will want revenge (usually by the worst thing possible, which most people consider to be death) but if you look at it from the inmate's point of view, you will be lucky to get the relief of being sent to death row.

Ultralomaniac 01-13-2009 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by TheGopher (Post 42591)
1. Do you believe capital punishment is morally just?
No. "Why do we kill people to show people that kill people that killing is wrong?" "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" Need more quotes?

2. Do you think capital punishment should be altered to make it more effective?
Yes, It should be removed completely. It has been proven that states that don't implement the death penalty have lower crime rates than states that do. Also in my honest opinion, I think that sitting in jail for your entire life is 1,000 times worse than dying. Death is just a relief. Boredom by sitting in jail for your entire life with no hopes of parole and just sitting there "rotting away" is suffocating. Why do so many inmates try to commit suicide? It's because jail is a far better punishment. I would take the death penalty over life in prison any day.

3. Do you think capital punishment should be implemented more?

By the questions you asked, I can safely infer that you support the death penalty. Sometimes you have to look at a situation from both sides to choose the best option. Most people who support the death penalty just look at it from the victim's point of view. Yes, if you are the victim, you will want revenge (usually by the worst thing possible, which most people consider to be death) but if you look at it from the inmate's point of view, you will be lucky to get the relief of being sent to death row.

We kill people to show that it is wrong because it signifies the end. this means that if you do something that would sentence you to death, it is the last thing you will ever do, and you will never make anything of yourself


The average murder rate for the 38 states with capital punishment was 5.22 murders per 100,000 people. The average murder rate for the 13 states (including the District of Columbia) without capital punishment was 5.96. So in fact the states with capital punishment had a lower murder rate, but not dramatically lower. Not enough to really prove anything.
so no, states with capital punishment have less crime rates.

Lets say you robbed a store and killed the store manager, and you thusly get sentenced life to prison. you're 22 years old. you live the rest of your life in jail, and die at the age of 62 from heart attack from all the shitty food you had to eat all those years
You spend 40 years in prison
You know what 40 years in prison means?
1 year in prison= 19,308$ to house one inmate.
40 years in prison= 772,320$ of my tax money that had to go to keeping you in a cage.
Is this fair to the taxpayers? inmates don't have to pay taxes.

As for inmate wanting to be killed:
Why does it matter?
for this reason, the death penalty should be painful, not something that can best be described as "a lethal overdose of barbituates and narcotics."
Bring back the noose.

TheGopher 01-13-2009 05:43 PM

In terms of practicality, you win.

Philosophically, I win.

Ultralomaniac 01-13-2009 05:45 PM

What philosiphy? these ideas of mine promote my own philosophy

If by philosophy you mean humanitarian, then yes, you do win.
but the ideals of liberal extremists are not the same ideals of the general public.

TheGopher 01-13-2009 06:19 PM

Ok philosophy was the wrong word but you got what I meant.

Sorry xD

Robin Hood 01-13-2009 06:36 PM

1. Do you believe capital punishment is morally just?


2. Do you think capital punishment should be altered to make it more effective?


3. Do you think capital punishment should be implimented more?

no, i beilive it should be stopped, if it was me id rather be in jail...live more...i couldnt stand to be told i would be given an inject that would end my life...not that id do anything that would make that happen... there probably many inoocent people accused of crimes they didnt commit which are horrible ones that have been given it in false accusations....i think its wrong no matter who you are or what you did

juvenilepunk 01-13-2009 10:22 PM

I could care less if they lethally inject them or shoot them at pointblank range. I would just prefer that they let them rot in jail for the rest of their lives.

Ultralomaniac 01-14-2009 06:00 AM

you've gotta understand what a wasted of resources it is to keep inmates in prison
it's an annual cost of 19,308$ per inmate for upkeep. over 40 years that's almost 800,000$

At teh hippies:
How about the family of those who were murdered? isn't it only fair that the murderer be killed as well?

Robin hood:
Who cares about the occasional innocent man, that's one man out of hundreds of convictions.one may be convicted only if there is a certain amount of evidence, so the convict must have been doing something wrong in the first place if there's even evidence against him
Having that man removed from society so he can do nothing wrong anymore benefits thousands of people

Tranquility 01-14-2009 02:15 PM

Well, personally i do find capital punishment correct to an extent. I don't think that if i went on a killing spree and murdered 20 people i should just sit in jail. That's complete bullshit. To the people who don't agree with me. Lets say a person kills your whole entire family EXCEPT you. Wouldn't you want to see them die? Like come on. And it shouldn't be this bullshit lethal injection. It should be motherfucking torture. I don't give a shit who you are you do something like that you deserve the pain you put your victims through....

TheGopher 01-14-2009 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Tranquility (Post 42654)
Well, personally i do find capital punishment correct to an extent. I don't think that if i went on a killing spree and murdered 20 people i should just sit in jail. That's complete bullshit. To the people who don't agree with me. Lets say a person kills your whole entire family EXCEPT you. Wouldn't you want to see them die? Like come on. And it shouldn't be this bullshit lethal injection. It should be motherfucking torture. I don't give a shit who you are you do something like that you deserve the pain you put your victims through....

See my post.

juvenilepunk 01-14-2009 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Ultralomaniac (Post 42627)
Who cares about the occasional innocent man, that's one man out of hundreds of convictions.

Your entire argument just lost all credibility.

Ultralomaniac 01-14-2009 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by juvenilepunk (Post 42665)
Your entire argument just lost all credibility.

My argument was about capital punishment, not the effectiveness of the american legal system. whether the guy is sentenced to prison or death, if he's guilty or not, that doesn't have to do with capital punishment

juvenilepunk 01-14-2009 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ultralomaniac (Post 42693)
My argument was about capital punishment, not the effectiveness of the american legal system. whether the guy is sentenced to prison or death, if he's guilty or not, that doesn't have to do with capital punishment

If it has nothing to do with it why mention it in your original post and now defend it?

Ultralomaniac 01-15-2009 11:28 AM

see, now you're gonna start flaming

I'm defending myself because that's what people do, they defend themselves

juvenilepunk 01-15-2009 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Ultralomaniac (Post 42717)
see, now you're gonna start flaming

I'm defending myself because that's what people do, they defend themselves

Lol, I am not flamming you I am simply questioning your contradiction. You are getting defensive.

Ultralomaniac 01-15-2009 10:26 PM

Consider it like this:

You and i are playing a friendly game of go-fish at my kitchen table, drinking some orange juice

then you start throwing punches at me out of nowhere
and i block them and punch you back, actually giving you a black eye and breaking your nose. you then file charges against me, but it was in self-defence so you have no grounds. i drink your orange juice then never speak to you again

Peetu 01-16-2009 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ultralomaniac (Post 42759)
Consider it like this:

You and i are playing a friendly game of go-fish at my kitchen table, drinking some orange juice

then you start throwing punches at me out of nowhere
and i block them and punch you back, actually giving you a black eye and breaking your nose. you then file charges against me, but it was in self-defence so you have no grounds. i drink your orange juice then never speak to you again

Why you have to spam..

Ultralomaniac 01-16-2009 06:07 AM

How is that spam? and more importantly, how is your post not?

Dvok 01-16-2009 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Tranquility (Post 42654)
Well, personally i do find capital punishment correct to an extent. I don't think that if i went on a killing spree and murdered 20 people i should just sit in jail. That's complete bullshit. To the people who don't agree with me. Lets say a person kills your whole entire family EXCEPT you. Wouldn't you want to see them die? Like come on. And it shouldn't be this bullshit lethal injection. It should be motherfucking torture. I don't give a shit who you are you do something like that you deserve the pain you put your victims through....

Lethal injection is now considered inhumane.

no srsly.

Ultralomaniac 01-16-2009 11:59 AM

the arguments that people give against lethal injection is just embarassing.
such as "it hurts the victim!"

Opponents of lethal injection believe that it is not actually humane as practiced in the United States. Opponents argue that the thiopental is an ultra-short acting barbiturate that may wear off (anesthesia awareness) and lead to consciousness and an excruciatingly painful death wherein the inmate is unable to express his pain because he has been rendered paralyzed by the paralytic agent.

seriously? pretty much they're dying from a narcotic overdose.

juvenilepunk 01-16-2009 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Ultralomaniac (Post 42759)
Consider it like this:

You and i are playing a friendly game of go-fish at my kitchen table, drinking some orange juice

then you start throwing punches at me out of nowhere
and i block them and punch you back, actually giving you a black eye and breaking your nose. you then file charges against me, but it was in self-defence so you have no grounds. i drink your orange juice then never speak to you again

Oh thanks for putting it in easy terms for me, my small mind could not comprehend what is going on. Im not "throwing punches at you" im simply questioning your reason. Questioning is a big part of debate, get used to it or leave, stop crying.

Ultralomaniac 01-16-2009 10:20 PM

you were questioning my ethics, which was very much so off-topic

JJones 07-11-2009 05:56 PM

1. I believe if one man takes anothers life, then he should be punished by death. But nothing less than murder. However, if it is manslaughter, then the criminal deserves life in prison. He didn;t intentionaly kill, so why take his life for it? If the murder is intentional, then go ahead and use the death penalty

2. i dont care how the job is done, but i dont think people should be aloud to watch. It makes the punishment even more gruesome.

3. Like i said before, capital punishment should only be implemented to people who commit murder

Bitbig 09-29-2012 01:36 AM

Capital Punishment
Is it fair to arbitrarily increase punishment to your child?

If you were to tell your child that if he or she did a certain sin or mistake, you would implement a certain punishment, and when that infraction took place, you added a number of extra punishment, would you think you were acting in a fair and just manner?

A scenario would go like this.
If you told your son, if you do not make your bed, I will ground you for 2 days.
That same day, he did not or refused to make his bed.
You confront him and say that he is grounded for 2 days. At the same time, you tell him that he is also grounded for a further week and also looses all T V privileges and must also do the dishes for a month.

Do you think you have dealt fairly with your child?


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