Ezud.com - Trolling Assistance Forum

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Sex 03-26-2011 09:13 AM

I think Ezud could use a complete overhaul.

I have many suggestions I would like to get down, and if anyone else has any please post here and I will ad.

First off, I joined Ezud in 2008. I loved the forum, great people, and an overall great layout. I was banned due to a misunderstanding between some account trading, but I am now back. I would love to contribute to making Ezud a much more popular forum.

What I would like to do.

-Clean up the threads. Ezud seems to be a place where most "phone" companies love to come. I rarely see this on other sites, so we could work on a way to keep them out. I would also like if threads could be archived and the overall sections could be cleaned up.

Edit: IP BAN all the stupid phone companies.

-MORE MEMBERS. Ezud seems to have the occasional google noob who comes and stays for a day. Lets fix this! If all these people who come and view the threads see nothing happening, they get bored really fast and forget about the site!

There are many things we can do to get more members. We can make some RS videos of glitching, staking, or anything that interests people. In these videos we can show the URL multiple times. We could use some donation money ( I will be donating soon) in order to pay professionals to advertise.

Another free form of advertisement is the recommendation game. ( Ex. if someone gets 10+ legit recommendations, donor status or some other prize)

- Could work on a new slogan

- Get elixir back on here as a mod? Maybe vista? Any old mods who are interested. Sectional mods?

-Attract more to the graphics section

-More to the market! Lets get the market more legit, Offical MM's? An application sub-forum?

- The name
- Banner
- Members ( that are active)
-#21 seems to be a great admin/owner
- The overall idea

Feel free to contribute, it will be appreciated and added to the thread.

Also feel free to add me on MSN. [email protected]

~ Sex

Sex 03-26-2011 09:37 AM

Also, if we get some popular bug abusers back, we should be able to figure out the disappearing duel trick.

I know everyone on the sythe community etc. wants to know how...more members?

Vista 03-26-2011 10:24 AM

That bug is already known, why try and make it bigger by telling kids about it? It's not hard btw.

I doubt any of this will work, this site died long ago and is only really populated by the older members that still want to lurk and talk in the SB.

Sex 03-26-2011 10:25 AM

True, but TONS of people on sythe (most popular cheating forum?) are really interested in these bugs. If we can exploit more bugs, this could get real good again!

We have many new opportunities with the new update!

Also, we have a PRO phiser on the site recently. I have talked to Fahey multiple times, and he makes VERY good phisers. Sythe and other forums have none of this.

ElixiR 03-26-2011 10:31 AM

There are a ton of bug abusers here, although not many make videos after they get patched. We also need to liven up the Black Market, we should take advantage of the free RWT now and attempt to do what Sythe.org failed to do by setting up a LEGIT trading system. I know from first-hand experience how much being scammed SUCKS, so we should start an OMM system with defined requirements. Also, we need to add moderators, who clean up this forum constantly, perhaps even bring back the section moderators. Our graphics forums are also lacking now, in the past it thrived and I believe we can do this again. Eskimo ANM and myself are some well known graphics artists here and I think we should attract more photoshop addicts here.

EskimoANM 03-26-2011 12:17 PM


The only problem is that it is really hard to find people that are willing to post and be active on daily basis. Seems like most people these days are leechers.

but yea, i definetly agree with the suggestions.

Sex 03-26-2011 12:29 PM

I also know that eskimo's art is AMAZING and can draw a lot of attention :)

ToySoldier 03-26-2011 03:42 PM

Most people here are oldfags that troll each other to death.

I support these changes.

And the mobile companies are usually on dead forums that don't have staff to prune ;|

Sex 03-26-2011 03:56 PM

Well we need some pruners!

Teh god 03-30-2011 10:06 AM

I hear you liek mudkipz

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