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Old 09-15-2008, 05:53 AM
Stephen Stephen is offline
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Default How to type, properly.

Well, I haven't seen a guide for this yet, so, here it is;

Okay, maybe it's just me but, every time I see something like" OH EM GEE hai guiz wots ^??/" I die a little inside. And, before someone responds with "LOL itz tha i net nub." Yes, It's the "Inet" But it also shows your complete lack of knowledge. Think about it, if you see two posts, one which contains "Lols haysup g?" And one that contains "Hey, What's up?" Which poster do you think took the time to think about what he said, and made himself look intelligent?

Enough of the rant, onto the guide.

When posting, always capitalize the first letter of a sentence. When starting a new paragraph, space it out from the first one. Always capitalize the letter I if it's by itself. Use apostrophes when conjoining a compound word, like it's (It is.) Proper nouns always get capitalized, like when stating a specific name of a general product, for example: Big Red. A persons name is capitalized, like Stephen. Use periods to end a sentence, otherwise it looks like one giant run-on sentence. Commas, use them, they separate ideas or thoughts in a sentence.

If you are unsure about the spelling of a word, Google it. This is in no way a complete grammar guide, just a few basics to help some people out.

The first person to correct this next paragraph, grammar and all, Will win my undying love, and something cool. (To be decided.) There is a maximum of five tries, so think carefully :)

hey everone, My name is stephen. and I like to play halo 3. its a fun gaem and all the peopel i no play it, bungie made halo 3, its super fun. i reely enjoy playin it but sometimes ther r stupid people that play it and they're attitudes piss me off. but its alright becuz i own them liek all day long. well thats it for me i will talk to you guys later.
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