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Old 01-05-2009, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Bootylove View Post
You're an atheist, correct?

According to my RELIABLE religion, once everyone on the planet dies, we'll enter the day of judgment. Everyone's syn with be weighed, also his good deeds. If his good deeds are superior to his syn - then, of course he'll enter paradise.

Reliable religion... Right...

Well scientifically speaking, no brain activity = no thoughts, feelings or anything.
People who come back from a coma or the lucky few who have been revived from brain death have said that they didn't go to heaven or anything.

As for the "light at the end of the tunnel" NASA did some tests to see what the effect of amplified gravity was on the human body. The forces got so intense that it stopped their blood from flowing to their brain. They reported seeing a light at the end of a tunnel. Just as people who have been revived from death have said. It was because when the brain has a limited oxygen supply, it will start to shut down unnecessary parts of itself. For example it will shut down your sense of taste and smell because in a life or death situation, it's just not needed. Well it shuts down so much that all they have left that's functioning is what controls sight and some other junk which is right down in the very stem of the brain. These are the most basic parts of the brain and when these are the only things functioning, you "see" a light surrounded by darkness, which many interpret as a tunnel. The people in the NASA experiments didn't die, yet they still "saw the light". What does this all mean? Do you ever notice why no one talks about their experiences in heaven or hell, they only talk about the "journey" there? It's because of the decreased brain activity that makes them think they're going through a tunnel. Then some of them die... Nothing... In a perfect state of death, no brain activity. Comparable to sleep without dreams... Then... BOOM AED! They wake up and blah blah blah tunnel blah blah blah light blah blah blah blame it on religion...

There's no such thing as a reliable religion. Only what can be proven or disproved.

Science isn't perfect but it's a hell of a lot more reliable than the invisible man in the sky.

I don't know what to believe. I'll live my life how I want and just wait to see what happens.
Old 01-05-2009, 06:08 PM
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Ehh i don't find death that bad. I believe that everybody has a written life. It's already been said what's going to happen to you and such. If i die i die that's the way it was supposed to happen. No i don't believe that God came out of assland and was like o here you go everything you need. I do believe in the big bang theory. But, i believe when you die you do go to heaven and maybe be reincarnated. Yes i am very confusing but. It does mix almost every religion that's major, and if you think about it, it does make alot of sense.
Old 01-05-2009, 07:05 PM
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i think when you die you go to heaven/hell. there are millions of bibles and books and things like that. i dont rly know my religion, i just believe in god/jesus and stuff. thats what happens when you die. ha.
Old 01-05-2009, 07:13 PM
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once the brain dies the collection of memories+sensations thoguht to be the "soul" die with it
Old 01-11-2009, 02:10 AM
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You just

I believe in that.
Old 01-16-2009, 10:48 PM
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me and my friend are both catholic and go to religion and have this jesus stuff shoved down our throtes but honnestly one day for about 6 hours we started a fire and sat outside and talked about it and we finnaly decided on pretty much the exact same feeling you have. We were like dude wat if u just see like a f'n black screen for like EVER n then we like that would suck d but then we like actually dude u prolly wouldnt even seen or feel anything and you just would never know anything and would never experience anything again which in a way is kinda depressing seeing as you have <100 years and after that 100 years BAM you just stop and your life is over for ever. You got your shot and now you cant do anything EVER AGAIN NEVER!!

yea that kinda makes me feel weired
Old 02-14-2009, 01:37 PM
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When death happens your body will sink into the ground. all cells and energy are released into the atmosphere. None of your body is new,you are re used energy, nothing on the earth is new, no one ever really dies.
Old 02-14-2009, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by so0n View Post
When death happens your body will sink into the ground. all cells and energy are released into the atmosphere. None of your body is new,you are re used energy, nothing on the earth is new, no one ever really dies.
This is precisely what I believe in, thank you for posting this. I'm glad someone else has the right idea.
Old 02-16-2009, 02:47 AM
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I think u die then u sleep forever

don't spam or leak!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 02-16-2009, 02:57 AM
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I just think death is the end of life or in other terms u live to die

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afterlife, cycle, death, debate, eternal, god, heaven, hell, life, moral, religion, satan, sleep

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